Nearshoring in Mexico: Relocation of production from Asia to Mexico

Some 20 years ago, it was unimaginable that a company that had its production in Asia would consider bringing its manufacturing to Mexico; the natural evolution of the market has brought about a significant paradigm shift, and companies that now manufacture their products in the East, such as China, are considering the benefits of relocating […]
International Treaties in Mexico 2021

Commercial benefits of the International Treaties in Mexico An international treaty may be defined as a written agreement between subjects of international rights and destined to produce legal effects. A treaty declares an agreement of intent that creates a commitment and should be complied with by the Rule-of-Law parties (or other subjects to international law), […]
International trade and supply chains in 2020

It is no secret that in 2020 was quite the year for the whole world. We saw the effects of the pandemic on international trade and how it started the conversation on regional supply chains. Let’s reflect on what this year brought for the world in this market retrospective. 2020 might have been a rough […]
How will the US elections affect the USMCA in Mexico?

This year has been a year full of surprises for the United States of America. With the US elections 2020 just a day away, as the writing of this article, American citizens face a great decision. Deciding who will lead the country could refresh the economic relationship between the States and Mexico. A long history […]
5 Great reasons foreign investment in Mexico is rising

Important manufacturers are moving to Mexico to generate millions of dollars The COVID-19 pandemic has brought major changes to the world and how it works. But, as time has shown, we have found the way to adapt and keep moving forward. This has been the case for the industry too. Supply chains have started to […]
E-commerce and logistics advice for your business

It has been a great, yet challenging, year for online shopping As of the writing of this article, it has been over six months since the world went on lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing meant we had to stay at home, giving a new challenge for the manufacturing industry to overcome. Nevertheless, […]
Mexico and its Free Trade Agreements explained

As we know, as of July 1st, 2020, the USMCA came into effect and is opening a great opportunity for companies seeking to produce in and export to North America. This might be one of the most important FTAs Mexico has, but it’s not the only one. Actually, Mexico is one the countries with the […]
USMCA an opportunity for logistics and e-commerce

This July 1st, 2020, the USMCA will be implemented, and it is estimated that the development of industrial hubs will be boosted by this. According to a study, the demand for real estate reached a total of 64 thousand m² in May 2020, which is a 5% increase compared to 2019. The competitive nature of the renting […]
Regional supply chains reducing risks

The arrival of the covid-19 has made 2020 a year full of challenges for everyone. The impact it had in the global industry was very noticeable. It prevented the labor force from working for quite some days. It shut down Asian supply chains, making it harder to produce certain goods around the world. The latter […]
COVID-19: how to work in the new normality

Disclaimer: First and foremost, in this article you will find a set of recommendations on how to safely get your employees back to the office during covid-19. These are some general safety suggestions you can take, but you should always check and follow what the WHO and your local government is advising on the matter. […]