COVID-19: how to work in the new normality

COVID-19: how to work in the new normality

Disclaimer: First and foremost, in this article you will find a set of recommendations on how to safely get your employees back to the office during covid-19. These are some general safety suggestions you can take, but you should always check and follow what the WHO and your local government is advising on the matter.

Some precautions will go a long way on keeping your employees safe

Covid-19. It certainly has changed the world. Made everyone stand still for a couple of months in an effort to flatten the curve and urged us to stay home. Fortunately, the quarantine has come to an end, which means most people can go back to work in their office. 

Of course, self-isolation being over doesn’t mean the pandemic is gone, which means certain safety precautions must be taken.

What are some safety precautions to take at work during the pandemic?

From day one, personnel need to be sure that their office is a safe environment to work in. It’s a known fact that covid-19 can live up to five days on a surface, depending on what it’s made of, so employees must know their office has been thoroughly sanitized and will be constantly. Furthermore, there are a couple of questions you, as an employer, must answer:

  1. Do we, the employees, need to wear a mask and personal protection equipment (PPE) while in the office?
  2. How often will common areas, such as meeting rooms and elevators, will be sanitized?
  3. Is the cleaning staff properly trained on how to deal with and prevent the spreading of covid-19?

There are a couple of steps you can take to answer these questions and reassure your employees that their working environment is safe.

COVID-19: how to work in the new normality

Before getting your workers back to the office, besides sanitizing the environment, you must adequate the workplace. Having a disinfecting station in every room should be a top priority, as the easier people can keep their hands clean, the harder it is to get infected by covid-19

You should also rearrange the furniture so that everyone is able to still practice social-distancing within the building. Reinforce this by establishing a protocol on how to use the common areas, such as lobbies, elevators, and corridors, so workers maintain 6 feet separation when possible. This may be complemented by marking which places have been recently cleaned.

Other general safety measures.

Furthermore, upping the ventilation system might be a bit out of many employers pockets. Although, this measure will increase the airflow within the office, providing fresh air and lessening the likeliness of breathing in covid-19 infected air. 

Keep on disinfecting the building continuously after your workforce has arrived. Specially shared equipment like copy machines or phones, and make sure your employees are following the new protocols tightly. Try and make it so that there is the least amount of contact needed for their labours as the pandemic fades away.

Remember to keep an eye out for any symptoms on your staff. Measures such as having an infrared thermometer in the entrance of the building can assist you in detecting early signs of infections, preventing the spread. 

Taking all measures to keep our workers safe during the covid-19 pandemic is a priority for us too. Thus, here in VYNMSA, we are taking all precautions in order to keep our employees safe and healthy. We can assist you with all your needs in settling your company in Mexico. 

Contact us and set shop in Mexico with VYNMSA.

Source: WHO

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