The electronics industry in Mexico is growing

The electronics industry in Mexico is growing

The electronics industry in Mexico has been growing in the past few years. In some states, like Queretaro, it grew 60% from 2012 to 2018, showing how promising this industry is.

CEPAL (Latin America and Caribbean Economic Commission) considers Mexico having an important role improving the economy of the region. The reason is that, according to BANCOMEXT (Mexican National Bank for Foreign Trade), Mexico has the biggest electronics industry in Latin America.

Furthermore, CEPAL estimates that the top Latin American economic parties can grow around 1.3% in 2020. Mexico is heavily aided by all the free trade agreements the country has with North America and Asia.

Nonetheless, the electronics industry will also be strengthened with the arrival of industry 4.0 to Mexico. Manufacturing components with this new technology is effective and efficient. It can reduce from 5% to 20% the production energy cost, making it greener than the previous industrial iteration.

In 2020, there will be around 28 million devices connected through IoT, having a yearly economic impact of 4B USD” stated QAD Latin American Commercial Director, Gonzalo Vega.

With the Mexican electronics industry having such an important role in Latin America, settling an electronic component manufacturing warehouse in this country would be a wise choice. Hence, here at VYNMSA we would like to assist you with setting shop in Mexico.

We are backed up by more than 29 years of experience and over 450 successful projects, delivered to fully satisfied customers, we are fully equipped to assist you with your BTS projects, lease and sale, and have 20 Inventory buildings ready for immediate occupancy in a total space of 3 million sq.ft.

Contact us and set shop in Mexico with VYNMSA where the electronic industry is stronger than ever.

Sources: El Financiero, The Standard CIO, T21

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