Growth in Guanajuato by Nearshoring

In recent years, Guanajuato has become one of the main destinations for nearshoring in Mexico, which has generated a significant impact on the economic growth and development of the region. In this article, you will learn how nearshoring has boosted the development of this entity of the Bajio.

Crecimiento Guanajuato

Attraction of Foreign Direct Investment

The nearshoring boom has boosted the arrival of foreign direct investment in Guanajuato. Companies from various sectors, such as automotive, electronics, and logistics, have established operations in the region to take advantage of the benefits of this entity. Guanajuato attracted 1,564.5 million dollars of foreign capital in 2022, coming mostly from the Asian countries Japan and China. This is because many Asian automotive manufacturers have chosen this destination to improve their production processes and optimize production lines. This high demand has generated a boom in industrial parks in the region so that companies seeking to establish themselves can operate with the appropriate infrastructure. At VYNMSA we have strategic locations in Guanajuato, ideal for the optimal development of companies seeking to start operations in this region:


Increase in Employment and Qualified Personnel

Nearshoring growth has played a crucial role in job creation in Guanajuato. Part of the advantages that the state offers for Asian automakers is the number of qualified personnel that it has. Guanajuato has been one of the first entities in the country that developed and provided opportunities to take advantage of the then-North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in automotive matters. This gave it several years of labor experience, which has made it one of the most qualified entities nationwide in the automotive sector.

The region has found an industrial vocation, which has generated the need for a certain profile of professionals focused on engineering activities to satisfy the demand for manufacturing personnel. For this reason, in recent years the curricula have been modified in the region, oriented towards industrial activities, manufacturing and construction, administration, business, and health sciences in bachelor’s and engineering degrees.

Strengthening of the Manufacturing Sector

Nearshoring in Guanajuato has contributed to strengthening the growth of the manufacturing sector. The region has become an important hub of production, especially in the manufacture of automobiles and electronic components. The automotive industry has not stopped growing and Guanajuato has become one of the main producers of auto parts in the country.

Due to this, VYNMSA offers a wide inventory of industrial buildings in Guanajuato, immediately available for lease. Our industrial buildings have the option of expansion and flexibility that allows adapting to the needs and requirements of each company.

Infrastructure Development

Nearshoring in Guanajuato has boosted infrastructure development in the region. Significant investments have been made in the expansion and improvement of roads, ports, and airports, to facilitate industrial logistics. For example, Guanajuato is one of the regions with the greatest number of class A inventories. Nearshoring continues to drive the development of industrial buildings in the Bajío region.

At VYNMSA we have a presence in the region with industrial inventory available for immediate occupancy with all the services your company requires for its proper operation. We are located in: León, Silao, Irapuato, Guanajuato, Apaseo, San Miguel de Allende and Celaya.

Nearshoring has played a key role in driving the growth of Guanajuato. By attracting investment, generating employment, and strengthening the manufacturing sector, this business strategy has contributed to the economic and social development of the region. Government support and investments in infrastructure have been key factors in the success of growth in Guanajuato. As more companies discover the benefits of establishing themselves in the region, growth is expected to continue in the future, cementing its position as an attractive nearshoring destination.

At VYNMSA we are committed to the development of the country’s industrial sectors, which is why since 1994 we have promoted the growth of industrial real estate. offering solutions for companies seeking to establish themselves in Guanajuato and other areas of the country. Our presence extends throughout the Northwest and Bajio of Mexico, with 36 strategic locations in five states: Coahuila, Querétaro, San Luis Potosí, Nuevo León, and of course Guanajuato. Contact us and grow your business with us.

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