The impressive growth of the Mexican aerospace industry

The aerospace industry in Mexico has experienced growth in recent years, becoming one of the most promising and dynamic sectors of the Mexican economy, consolidating its position as an important part of the global market. This industry encompasses the design, research, development, and manufacturing of aircraft, as well as its supply chain and maintenance, repair, and overhaul services. In this article, we will explore the rapid growth of this industry in Mexico and its impact on the sector.

industria aeroespacial en méxico

Strategic Location of Mexico: Unlocking Growth Potential

Mexico is located in a privileged geographic position that provides significant logistical advantages, as it enables a fast or rapid connection with the main aerospace markets of North and South America. Additionally, Mexico has an extensive network of free trade agreements that facilitate the exchange of goods and services with other nations.

According to the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA), there are 386 aerospace sector companies in the country, spread across 19 states, generating approximately 60,000 jobs. The top five states with the highest number of aerospace companies are: Baja California with 97 companies, followed by Sonora with 58, Chihuahua with 52, Queretaro with 50, and Nuevo Leon with 33 companies.

The state of Queretaro has positioned itself as the fourth most attractive destination for foreign direct investment in the aerospace sector and has become a key player in the growth of the aerospace industry in Mexico, generating around 9,300 jobs in the state.


Harnessing Foreign Investments: Mexico’s Path to Growth

The aerospace sector in Mexico has emerged as a crucial driver of the country’s economy, attracting significant foreign investment and generating employment opportunities. This sector has experienced substantial growth, thanks to the implementation of policies and programs aimed at attracting foreign investments. Leading industry players have established operations in Mexico, capitalizing on the advantages of competitive costs, proximity to key markets, and a highly skilled workforce. These investments have stimulated the creation of specialized jobs and the development of a robust aerospace supply chain.

Mexico ranks as the fourth-largest exporter of aerospace products globally, trailing only the United States, France, and Germany. According to Luis Lizcano, Director of the Mexican Federation of the Aerospace Industry (FEMIA), the aerospace sector is expected to experience significant growth from 2022 to 2025, with an average annual growth rate of 15%. It is projected that by 2025, the country’s aerospace exports will reach nearly $12 billion, with the United States being the primary destination, followed by countries such as Canada, France, and Germany. These figures demonstrate the promising and continuously expanding future of the aerospace industry in Mexico.


Highly Skilled Workforce: Mexico’s Competitive Advantage


Another factor that has allowed Mexico to become a country driving the development of the aerospace industry is its highly skilled workforce in the aerospace sector. Mexican universities and research centers have established specialized educational and training programs in aerospace engineering and related technologies. This has resulted in the formation of professionals equipped with industry-required skills and has contributed to the development of a strong local talent pool.


Significant investments have been made in the development of airport infrastructure and specialized industrial parks for the aerospace sector, primarily in the states of Querétaro, Chihuahua, and Baja California, as part of the country’s economic and technological advancement. Companies specialized in manufacturing components for the aerospace sector continue to grow and experience high demand, making this industry one of the most profitable for the country.


The growth of the aerospace industry in Mexico has been remarkable in recent years, solidifying the country’s position as a major player in this sector on the international stage. The combination of strategic factors such as geographical location, skilled workforce, and fiscal incentives has created a favorable environment for the development of this industry in Mexico. This has instilled confidence and attracted foreign companies to invest in the Mexican aerospace sector.


At VYNMSA, we specialize in developing Class A industrial parks and facilities. Since 1994, we have successfully completed over 450 projects for important clients in both the domestic and international markets. Are you looking to begin operations in the aerospace sector? VYNMSA offers 36 strategically located industrial sites throughout Mexico, with notable industrial parks in Querétaro, Guanajuato, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and San Luis Potosí, where the aerospace sector is experiencing growth. We have one of the largest inventories of available industrial facilities. Contact us, and we will support you in your endeavors!

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