The Metal Mechanic Industry

The metal mechanic industry is dynamically in charge of providing tailor-made machinery, consumption goods and metal tools to the other links of the productive chain. In other words, metal mechanic is the sector that comprises industrial machinery and provides tools to other metal industries. This sector is closely related to the automobile, mechanic, industrial, and electrical equipment industries. Thus, great economic importance is granted to this industry.

Metalmechanic occupies a key position in the field of industrial production since it provides production technology to all the industries for working metals. Thus, it contributes significantly to labor growth in the industry.

A metal mechanic company can perform any work in metal processing from a simple cut to making the products and pieces of high technology and complex techniques. The enterprises of other industries (mechanical engineering) may include a metal workshop.

Metal Mechanic Industry

How does production work?

To set an adequate pace in work, a company must equip the workshops with the necessary modern equipment and maintain competitiveness with organizations by introducing modern technologies. In metal mechanic industries, two processes are included: metallurgy and iron and steel industries.

Metallurgy is a science composed of specialized industrial techniques and operations destined both to obtaining and treating metals found in metallic minerals.

Iron and steel deal with the process that consists of the iron extraction and use.

Processes that intervene in the metalmechanic industry

  • Conventional machining
  • Lathe
  • Milling machine
  • Power drill
  • Special machining
Process of change in form

  • Smelting
  • Forging
  • Laminating
Process for material assemblages

  • Welding
  • Hacksawing

Metalmechanic industry in Mexico

Today Mexico represents an essential productive capacity for the world economy. Thanks to its operation model, geographical location, and vocation, it currently supplies a greater number of high-added value products to North America and the rest of the world.

In the composition of the secondary sector activities, the manufacturing industry constituted 17.6% of gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of the second quarter, according to numbers from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) in Mexico. This sector represents a differentiator and stronghold for the Mexican economy.

According to data from the National Chamber of Iron and Steel Industry (CANACERO, for its acronym in Spanish), Mexico is the 14th steel producer in the world, employing more than 700,000 persons directly and indirectly. Only in 2018, production was 20.2 million t of liquid steel.

On his part, Mariano Conde, Director General of MC TEK Solutions, expressed that the metal mechanical industry is fundamental for national development, “practically all countries with an advanced industrial development have consolidated metal mechanical sectors. In Mexico, mainly the automobile and aerospace sectors have had very important growth in the last five years, which have allowed them to appear as new actors in the international context”.

For Mexico, the development of this sector has gained an important place within the global environment, especially because of its continuous growth through investment of the automobile, aerospatial, medical tools, electronics, electrical household appliances, and recently, mold, die, toolkit manufacturing industries.

According to numbers of the Tariff Information System Vía Internet (SIAVI), based on registered imports, Mexico receives more than 7,000 metal mechanic equipment annually, with greater technological innovation and sophistication levels that have been incorporated.

VYNMSA has around 30 years of experience, delivering more than 450 projects to international clients completely satisfied. We are one of the main real estate developers in Mexico. Additionally, we are completely equipped to help develop your BTS projects. Likewise, we actively work with industrial brokers as business partners and have approximately 20 buildings in inventory ready for immediate occupancy, which adds up to a total space of 2 million square feet in the northeast and bajio areas in Mexico.

Contact us and discover why VYNMSA is your best industrial real estate business associate in Mexico.

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