Opportunities of Industry 4.0 in Mexico

Throughout the years, technology has advanced exponentially knowing that it is here to stay. Nowadays, life cannot be imagined without these innovative technologies that have made our lives as simple as those offered by Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0

What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 refers to intelligent manufacturing technologies with automated processes. In other words, production processes are digitized with autonomous decisions in factories by means of information systems and sensors to transform these processes and make them more efficient. Technologies, such as IoT, IA, Big Data, Cloud, Robot, and so on are used, with which less human intervention exists each time.

Implementing Industry 4.0 in Mexico

Although Industry 4.0 was created for the first time in Germany in 2010, its implementation started in Mexico in 2015 bringing with it drastic changes in clients, suppliers, investors, administrative staff, and especially personnel working directly in the production lines. Taking it further, in general, this transformation brought radical changes both in Mexican manufacturing enterprises and worldwide. Paradigm changes have been noted in Mexican managerial environment, which is why the country -jointly with private enterprises- have been developing public policies to insert Industry 4.0 in Mexico.

Thus, we may say that this industry has given us an opportunity to develop and make way to Mexican enterprises to benefit from the new demand of designing, producing and selling much faster than without the new technologies, making production shorter and more profitable. Another advantage is that the manufacturing margin of error decreases and generates greater demand in products and digital platforms that offer personalized content in Industry 4.0. This advantage means a great opportunity for Mexico to expand in knowledge of these new technologies and models to implement in the new manufacturing companies, for example, the car industry.

Strategies of public and private sectors to implement Industry 4.0

Mexico has started a process of incorporation to Industry 4.0 at different levels, which go from educational, managerial, public policy, industrial, among others. Mexico is characterized by the great passion of its population in entering into innovative ideas. An example has been the results obtained in international events. When the 1st International Forum Mexico-Germany on Occupational Training and Digitalization in Industry 4.0 took place in November 2018, foreign population realized that different sectors of the country had the initiative and preoccupation of leading Mexico to success with Industry 4.0, taking in this case as the main axis of education. Another example is the Forum Industry 4.0: Challenges for Mexico carried out at the beginning of 2018. However, Industry 4.0 may represent an opportunity for Mexico to grow and continue advancing in its economy.

Siemens AG (2016) stated that if Mexico continued adopting Industry 4.0 technologies, went on with policies and programs of how to keep up providing access to public sites in Internet all over the country, promoted adoption of intelligent technologies with the support of the states, developed digital abilities from basic to professional education and supported entrepreneurship and digital development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), it could become the fifth most influential economy in the world and would have increased income of Mexican industry to MXP $3500 M by 2025. Additionally, other studies and surveys expect to decrease production costs to 30% (Cumbre de Negocios, 2016).

Mexico’s achievements in Industry 4.0

Mexico has the disposition to promote digitalization. Thus, initiatives and projects have been launched to introduce Industry 4.0 in our country. In Nuevo Leon, Mexico, the initiative Nuevo Leon 4.0 was launched, which consisted of modifying 46 study plans that did not include topics related to digitalization, training 500 engineers with respect to the necessary abilities and knowledge for Industry 4.0 (Vanguardia Industrial, 2018).

Furthermore, in the economic environment, the measures taken by Mexico to deal with the new paradigm led it to be the first Spanish-speaking country selected as guest of honor for the 2018 Hannover Fair – the greatest industrial fair in the world where more than 110 Mexican enterprises participated. Mexico was the fifth most visited country in the different pavilions, which achieved consolidating seven investment projects with an amount greater than USD 700 million (Promexico, 2018). It should be mentioned that Mexico also obtained 56th place in the Global Innovation Index, formed by 126 countries. Such an index is performed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which uses 80 indicators to measure the innovation level of the countries. By obtaining 56th place, Mexico occupied third place in Latin America (Manufactura, 2018).

It is not a secret that the world is in constant change. Thus, investing in the future and adapting to new and current production technologies are essential, which would be key to advance within Industry 4.0. Moreover, different advisors from the Mexican Government, as Frederic Michel García, have mentioned that Mexico has the potential to be seen as one of the greatest producers of artificial intelligence, robotics and automation.

Our contribution to Industry 4.0

VYNMSA Construction & Development acknowledges the potential that Mexico has, so we are conscious of investing in technologies that benefit and boost industry in our country. Within the next 10 years in Mexico, growth percentage in digitalization is expected to be greater in all the country each time through greater investments in education and research. Therefore, VYNMSA is involved in the construction and development of industrial buildings that help different sectors, such as the electronics industry, to establish in Mexico by means of the industrial premises of the last generation within our industrial parks.

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