The plastic industry in Mexico

The plastic industry in Mexico

Talking plastics is not easy in today’s eco-forward world. Not that being ecological is wrong, by any mean. It is the global plastic industry that needs to get greener, as it is still very helpful in many fields. One of such fields in sanitation.

Single-use plastics have caused enough damage to the environment to gain the reputation they have. Up until this year, single-use plastics usage have been decreasing due to a more environmentally conscious society. And this is not wrong. Nonetheless, these kinds of plastic can be helpful when used sustainably and moderately.

What changed this year for the plastic industry to start using these packaging again? The coronavirus. Mouthpieces, disinfectant containers, food packaging. These are all single use plastics that gives us an edge in the battle against COVID-19.

The Mexican National Association of Plastic Industries (ANIPAC) informed that they will be doubling efforts to cover PPE and medical-degree plastics demand.

The history of the evolution of medicine wouldn’t been able to be written without plastics: surgical-degree gloves, syringes, insulin pens, IV tubes, just to name a few, reduce the risk of infection, amongst other benefits. Thus, it is important to recognize that the plastic industry is ready to take the challenge of the current global situation,” said Aldimir Torres Arenas, head of ANIPAC.

Getting back the plastic industry to single use products and packaging doesn’t come without responsibilities. The right disposal of these materials should be on top of mind of producers and users, specially during these times.

A patient’s wastes bag needs to be placed in the inorganic, non-recyclable labeled container. It is forbidden to place these bags in any other container or to return the contents to the environment,” stated Torres Arenas.

With all the responsibilities of bringing back the single-use products, the plastic industry is facing a new challenge: focusing on biodegradable plastics and using more recycled materials.

There are government initiatives, such as #SinPopoteEstáBien (better without straw), are pushing the plastic industry in Mexico to move environmentally forward with its production methods. Such is the example of Popomex, the mexican straw company that adapted its products to being oxo-biodegradable, reducing the time it takes to break down to two years.

Times like these really show how irreplaceable the plastic industry is. Settling in a country that is moving forward with the industry is crucial. This is why we would like to assist you with setting shop in Mexico.

Contact us and set shop in Mexico with VYNMSA to start producing in the adapting plastic industry.

Sources: El Heraldo México, Expansión, El Empaque, Forbes

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