Rise in the textile industry in Mexico

Rise of the textil industry in Mexico

As a phoenix rising from its ashes, the textile industry in Mexico is getting back on its feet, better and stronger than ever. While 2018 was a great year for this industry, with a Mexican record breaking 26% exports increase, 2019 was not as generous, as it set some challenges and had some setbacks.

But, as resilient as the Mexican economy is, this only brought the opportunity to adapt and overcome. The textile industry in Mexico is looking forward to up its game and start producing more fashion oriented products, as it was previously focused primarily on denim and cotton shirts.

Furthermore, since the implementation of the USMCA and the rise of the automotive and aircraft industries, the US has shown interest in Mexico to produce industrial-quality textile products. Synthetic fabrics, artificial fibers fabrics, and textured polyester inked fabrics are among the most requested products.

This is a whole new opportunity for the textile industry in Mexico to improve, as the US is already Mexico’s biggest importer. More so now that the USMCA has a focus on textile products.

Nonetheless, has also boosted this industry as Asian supply chains are being shut. Mexico has been slowly replacing US’ and Canada’s dependence on the Asian market, making it easier than ever to export to North America.

Settling your textile manufacturing plant in a country where everything is coming together to make said industry grow is a great opportunity. Therefore, here at VYNMSA we would like to assist you with setting shop in Mexico.

We are backed up by more than 25 years of experience and over 350 successful projects, delivered to fully satisfied customers, we are fully equipped to assist you with your BTS projects, lease and sale, and have 22 Inventory buildings ready for immediate occupancy in a total space of 1.7 million sq.ft.

Contact us and set shop in Mexico with VYNMSA to take advantage of the ever adapting textile industry.

Sources: El Universal, Textiles Panamericanos, Iniciativa Textil, Logycom, Opportimes

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