Solar energy in Mexico

In recent years, Mexico has made significant progress in attracting investment in renewable energies, positioning itself as a country with international recognition and dynamic growth in this sector. The national legal framework offers certain benefits to investors.

Solar energy in Mexico

What is the potential of solar energy in Mexico?

In Mexico, radiation intensity ranges from 5.66 kWh/m² to 6.16 kWh/m² per day. These high figures demonstrate that the development of solar photovoltaic projects to power Mexico is one of the most viable options for the future. The northwest of the country is the region with the highest solar radiation. This is mainly Baja California, Sonora, Sinaloa, Durango, Chihuahua and part of Coahuila.

Energy industry considerations in Mexico

Engineers must consider the various climatic and geographic factors that allow the modules to operate efficiently while minimizing unexpected occurrences and interruptions. One of these key factors is the combination of strong solar radiation with appropriate indicators of wind speed and strength. The latter contributes to cooling the panels and maintaining the optimal temperature of the photocells.

How to select the best location to install a solar plant in Mexico?

To ensure the correct choice of sites for the construction of solar power plants in Mexico, it is necessary to take into account the intensity of solar radiation in a particular area and its fluctuations throughout the year. Currently, the private and academic sectors are making independent efforts to evaluate and measure the solar resource in the country, which will help promote this type of alternative energy sources.

Any solar energy application requires an assessment of the solar energy resources in the area under consideration. This means quantifying the amount of solar radiation available for use with photovoltaic cells. Since different types of solar systems use different components of solar radiation, such an assessment requires an expert approach.

Construction of solar power plants in Mexico

Engineering design services for solar power plants in Mexico are provided by both local and foreign engineering firms. The key step is the selection of the optimal power plant location, which determines the performance of the elements and the possibility of further expansion of the facility as electricity demand grows. When choosing a construction site, engineers analyze site constraints, optimal orientation and slope according to technical, economic and construction criteria.

Based on the estimated output, an economic balance sheet is drawn up that will determine the profitability of the plant and its viability over a given lifetime, usually more than 25 years. In the future, the simulation of electricity production is carried out using computer technology. This is necessary for a more accurate generation forecast, taking into account natural factors, equipment characteristics and various types of energy losses.

Solar energy for manufacturing companies

Manufacturing companies in Mexico are choosing to invest in solar plants to reduce their energy costs, due to the flexible schemes allowed by Mexican law. A common practice is the installation of solar plants in areas with high energy efficiency, adding their production to the country’s electricity grid and lowering their electricity bills in the area where they have their factories.

VYNMSA is one of the leading industrial real estate developers in Mexico. In addition, we are able to develop your Build To Suit or custom projects. We actively work with industrial real estate brokers as business partners. We have built over 2 million square feet in the northeast and bajio region of Mexico.

Contact us and find out why VYNMSA is your best industrial real estate business partner in Mexico.

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