The future of industrial parks is in Mexico Industry 4.0

Tomorrow, now. Industry 4.0 is present in Mexico

The future of industrial parks is in Mexico Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is the next iteration that about every industrial park will have in the near future. It is called 4.0 because it is the fourth industrial revolution, the first being steampowered, the second implemented electricity to production, the third started automatizations with computers, and now, this iteration optimizes what 3.0 brought to the table.

From 5G to 3D printing, there are over 40 types of technology used to make Industry 4.0 a reality. In Mexico, this industrial revolution is mainly present in the form of additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, and the way this works is by printing the final piece instead of “shaving” it off a block of raw material.

However, additive manufacturing is not a substitute for other kinds of manufacturing as the market needs both, personalization and standardization.

In Guanajuato, Bosch has a fully automated manufacturing plant. This mechanized warehouse gets all its instructions from across the sea, thanks to Bosch’s constant investment in connectivity and Internet of Things (IoT).

So far, the industries that have been benefited the most from Industry 4.0 in Mexico have been the automotive and aerospace industries, with many more on their way to implement these innovations to their processes as, according to the study Eficiencia de la Cadena de Suministro 2019 (Supply Chain Efficiency 2019), at least 60% of the national companies have invested in technology.

“Mexico has the potential to be seen as one of the greatest AI, robotics and automation manufacturers,” said Frederic Michel Garcia, Mexican Government Advisor.

The world is changing, investing in the future now and adapting to the new manufacturing currents is key in order to advance to Industry 4.0. This is why settling in a country that is investing in such advancements is important. Thus, here at VYNMSA we would like to assist you setting your industrial warehouse in Mexico.

We are backed up by more than 29 years of experience and over 450 successful projects, delivered to fully satisfied customers, we are fully equipped to assist you with your BTS projects, lease and sale, and have 20 Inventory buildings ready for immediate occupancy, a total space of 3 million Sq.Ft.

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