Economic sectors in Mexico and their importance for the growth of the country

Mexico is one of the largest and most dynamic economies in Latin America. Despite the different economic and political circumstances, Mexico continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investment, thanks to its strategic location and highly-skilled workforce. At the end of 2022, the Mexican economy grew 3.0% compared to 2021. According to the Estimación […]
Electromobility in Mexico

Mexico is the seventh largest automobile producer in the world. However, so far, there are several companies that have plans to build electric vehicles in Mexico among the major automakers. As announced, the group wants to produce a small SUV at its plant in the State of Mexico. The model was originally destined for Ford’s […]
Requirements for entry and residence in Mexico

The legal basis for the right of residence is the Migration Law (LM) and the associated regulation (Reglamento de la Ley de Migración – RLM). The competent authority is the Mexican immigration authority (Instituto Nacional de Migración – INM). Mexican immigration law distinguishes between non-permanent residents (visitors), permanent residents (temporary residents), and immigrants (permanent residents) […]
Mexico, leader in export

The development of international trade and integration into global value chains have contributed to Mexico’s booming foreign trade, based in particular on industrial products such as automobiles. Capturing more than 80% of Mexican exports, the United States is Mexico’s main export market, which is therefore highly dependent on U.S. demand: Mexico is the second largest […]
Advantages and benefits of sustainable mobility

Mobility is an issue that affects everyone. In general terms, mobility describes the ways in which we can and want to move around. The issue of transportation is therefore part of mobility. On foot, by bicycle, by car, or by public transport: there are numerous ways in which you can cover your daily routes or […]
What is ESG?

There is a big idea behind the abbreviation ESG: The “E” stands for Environmental and includes, for example, the efficient use of energy and raw materials. The “S” stands for Social and refers to social issues such as health, safety and diversity of workers. The third letter “G” stands for Governance, i.e. aspects of corporate […]
Solar energy in Mexico

In recent years, Mexico has made significant progress in attracting investment in renewable energies, positioning itself as a country with international recognition and dynamic growth in this sector. The national legal framework offers certain benefits to investors. What is the potential of solar energy in Mexico? In Mexico, radiation intensity ranges from 5.66 kWh/m² to […]
Accounting for foreign companies in Mexico

Foreign manufacturing companies in Mexico that comply with certain tax criteria and submit them in a “compliance report” to the governmental institution responsible for taxes in Mexico (Secretaría de Hacienda y crédito público) by the end of June of each year. The compliance report shows financial statements audited by a certified public accountant. It must […]
Japanese companies in Mexico

The commercial relationship between Japan and Mexico is more than 60 years, with around 1,200 companies installed in the country and a strong synergy has been achieved between both countries. The geographic, political, and skilled labor advantages in Mexico have made it possible for Japanese companies to establish themselves in Mexico. In this article, we […]
Taxes in Mexico: How many types of taxes are there in Mexico?

In Mexico, taxes are regulated by the Federal Tax Code, including the types of taxes and the application of each one of them. The Secretaría de Administración Tributaria (SAT) is a government agency in charge of making individuals and companies contribute the costs commensurate with taxes and customs disposals. The following article will focus on […]