Supply Chain

What is a supply chain? A supply chain is a set of strategic activities or processes that enable an organization to deliver a product or service to the customer or end-user effectively. Supply chain management provides a set of tools, from the production process to the point at which the product is sold. An effective […]

The Metal Mechanic Industry

The metal mechanic industry is dynamically in charge of providing tailor-made machinery, consumption goods and metal tools to the other links of the productive chain. In other words, metal mechanic is the sector that comprises industrial machinery and provides tools to other metal industries. This sector is closely related to the automobile, mechanic, industrial, and […]

Opportunities of Industry 4.0 in Mexico

Industria 4.0

Throughout the years, technology has advanced exponentially knowing that it is here to stay. Nowadays, life cannot be imagined without these innovative technologies that have made our lives as simple as those offered by Industry 4.0 What is Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 refers to intelligent manufacturing technologies with automated processes. In other words, production processes […]

Industrial sector in Mexico 2021 projections

For as challenging as 2020 was, there is a light of prosperity for the Mexican industrial sector in 2021 projections. Industries such as automotive and manufacturing are projected to have a resurgence this year, giving hope for a greater economic growth. There is great hope for the industrial sector in Mexico in 2021 projections as […]

Industrial development and manufacturing

Thanks to several factors, there has been better industrial development and manufacturing diversity in Mexico in recent years. One of these is that it has spread towards different States of the country. This has allowed the expansion of the operating processes and has diversified the market into new regions. Private Industrial Parks help the country […]

Industrial sector in Mexico: a retrospective of 2020

To say that 2020 has redefined the word “challenging” is an understatement. The whole world went through major challenges that had to be overcome. The industrial sector in Mexico was not the exception.  The industry in Mexico faced one of the greatest challenges in its history, and still came up on top Starting the year […]

The automotive industry in Mexico is growing

The last quarters of the year have been very beneficial to the Mexican economy. Not only did industrial real estate investment improve in Q3, but also the automotive industry in Mexico began Q4 with a high note. It all points to this sector having a great recovery in 2021. The automotive industry shows great signs […]

The cosmetic industry in the Mexican economy

The cosmetic industry in Mexico has great importance in the country’s economy. Not only does it have the third largest production in the world, it also produces $9 billion USD in revenue, representing 4.2% of the national GDP. It is without a doubt one of Mexico’s major industries. And it is now seeking to enter […]

Manufacturing industry and economic development

Production, international trade, national market. They all play an important role in the economic development of a country. Most of these activities are possible thanks to the manufacturing industry. This is why it can be a key component for the expansion of the Mexican economy. A healthy relationship between production and economy Manufacturing industries are […]

Industry 4.0 brings innovation to the electronics industry

Innovation is what defines the electronics industry. Without its constant reinvention, technology would not be as advanced. We can only imagine the innovative technologies we will have tomorrow. Especially now that this industry will be powered by the implementation of Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 will have a positive impact on the electronics industry in Mexico […]