Green industry: How to make factories green?

Green Industry Concept

The Green Industry is a concept that seeks to reduce the climatic and ecological impact of companies’ activities. Human development impacts the environment by using natural resources and modifying the Earth’s ecosystem, but is it possible to reduce this impact?

Green Industry

Green industry and renewable energies

Renewable energies are shown as a solution to reduce the environmental impact. Although alternative energy has great prospects and is constantly developing, not everyone is ready to switch completely to renewable energy sources.

For example, windmills and solar panels occupy large areas that should be left for agriculture. Nor would it be possible to simply place solar panels in one of the hottest places: the Sahara desert. Only a third of its territory could cover the world’s need for electricity, but it would be difficult to transfer it to other continents.

Cities in industrial development

In working with industry, a city can address environmental problems in two ways. The first is simply to move all production out of the metropolitan area. and use the vacated space for other purposes. The second is to integrate green and high-tech companies into the urban system so that they become an integral part of it, generating jobs and contributing to its fiscal responsibilities.

Green economy in industry

Countries such as Norway and New Zealand have taken as their direction the development of a green economy, aimed at preserving the well-being of society through the efficient use of the earth’s resources. A green economy implies the rational use and organization of work with natural resources, their economic consumption, the use of environmentally friendly technologies in production and life, and most importantly, the creation of favorable conditions for investment in such projects not only from the state but also from the private sector.

Green Projects for the industry include the introduction of energy and resource-saving technologies, the production of electric drive equipment, the use of recycled materials, and many others. State and regional authorities can encourage companies to take these measures in different ways.

For example, through environmental taxes and levies, offering lucrative recycling schemes, providing subsidies or specialized payments, and various compensation schemes.

Today, the energy, chemical, and transportation industries have already become part of the green economy. However, not all industries are promoting environmental initiatives. For example, the pharmaceutical industry includes many stages, after which a significant amount of waste is generated, polluting the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the soil.

In VYNMSA, one of our greatest responsibilities is to respect and care for the place where we live, for this reason, we promote environmental awareness in all our employees and customers, to leave a positive impact on the world.

With almost 30 years of experience and more than 450 projects delivered, we are one of the leading industrial developers in Mexico. We have around 20 inventory buildings ready for immediate occupancy, totaling 2 million square feet of space in the northeast and bajio areas in Mexico.

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