How to measure your company’s productivity?

Company productivity

Labor productivity is an economic parameter that reflects the volume and efficiency of employees. The question of how to achieve optimal productivity is always relevant, and the task is very difficult. It is not easy to immediately identify the factors affecting the professional activity of specialists and the result of their effort in relation to […]

Top 7 production trends in 2023


  Manufacturers are still recovering from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and face a number of challenges: The skills shortage The skills gap Bottlenecks in the supply chain New roles for workers in the course of automation. Retaining and recruiting new employees Doing more with less Over the past decade, the number of manufacturing […]

What are the largest industries in Mexico?

Although Mexico has rich natural resources for the development of industry, it is still an industrial-agrarian country. This is due to the fact that the development and growth of the Mexican economy began in the 1950s. This phenomenon was called at the time the “Mexican miracle”. Mining industry There are 3 main mining areas. In […]

What is an OEM?

The term OEM stands for “Original Equipment Manufacturer”, but this term can be used in different ways, as it is also related to vehicle manufacturers, it is used equally in relation to vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, and parts producers. We can make three different distinctions among manufacturers: Vehicle manufacturers as OEM In strategic supplier management in […]

3D printing in industrial production

3D printing includes a variety of different manufacturing technologies. These technologies can be divided into two; a material is applied layer by layer and material is in powder form and bonded layer by layer. Advantages of manufacturing with 3D printing Flexibility in production: Makes economic sense from batch size 1; product changes are possible at […]

Most common Types of Welding

In the context of welders, people often talk about different professional groups. But that is not correct, because it is mainly the welding processes that distinguish them from each other. Basically, there are a multitude of different types, with the four welding processes being the most common. We are talking about: Gas welding Gas welding […]

What is materials management?

Ensuring smooth production is one of the elementary tasks of an industrial or manufacturing company. Goods can only be produced and sold without delay if an adequate material flow is ensured. The general term for all tasks related to the supply of materials is materials management. Classic materials management It comprises all tasks with a […]

What is corrosion and how does it occur?

Corrosion is a global problem. Steel constructions, such as bridges or supporting structures, are particularly affected, but also industrial plants, railways, pipelines, vehicles and machines. Corrosion and its origin. In the broadest sense, corrosion is a physicochemical process in which a material reacts with components of the surrounding environment, changing fundamental properties in the process. […]

Industrial hydrogen applications

The applications of hydrogen are as varied as the element itself. Hydrogen has long been used in industry, for example, to produce fertilizers and refine mineral oil. Hydrogen as an energy carrier can offer many interesting solutions for achieving the energy transition. We have summarized different applications here. In which areas can hydrogen be used? […]

Effective cost-saving tips for manufacturers

It is significant for entrepreneurs to reduce manufacturing costs because any cost reduction can help increase profits and even have a positive impact in other areas. Cost-saving ideas in manufacturing operations can be broadly categorized into labor costs, materials (including supply chain) and manufacturing overhead. Any cost-cutting and profit-enhancing measures in the short or long […]