Top 7 production trends in 2023


Manufacturers are still recovering from the effects of the coronavirus pandemic and face a number of challenges:

  • The skills shortage
  • The skills gap
  • Bottlenecks in the supply chain
  • New roles for workers in the course of automation.
  • Retaining and recruiting new employees


Doing more with less

Over the past decade, the number of manufacturing jobs has been steadily declining.

Factors leading to poorer productivity along with a shrinking workforce include:

  • Labor shortages
  • Automation
  • The skills gap

In 2023, manufacturing companies will need to keep up with growing demand while retaining their skilled workforce.

For front-line industries such as manufacturing, employee retention is critical to keep up with growing demand.

Making supply chains work again.

Supply chain bottlenecks will still be on the agenda in 2023 given raw material shortages and rising energy costs.

Manufacturing companies around the world have been struggling with delays for some time, particularly in international supply chain networks.

At the same time, demand remains high in most areas, pushing manufacturers to find creative solutions.

Effective communication strategies mitigate the disruption caused by supply chain delays. Effective operational communication ensures that everyone is on the same page and working toward the same goal.

Building resilient workforces.

In 2023, the workforce must be prepared for 3 challenges:

  • Supply chain disruptions
  • Labor shortages
  • Skills gaps

Labor shortages are partly responsible for the slowdown in growth and the pace of work. In 2023, more companies will be looking for ways to diversify their workforce to make their operations more resilient.

Automation and robotics are redefining the roles of factory workers

Automation in manufacturing is not a new phenomenon. But manufacturing companies are investing more than every in automated solutions for their operations. This applies in particular to the agricultural and food industries.

This focus on automation and robotics is changing the structure and distribution of the manufacturing workforce. Companies need to reevaluate how best to deploy their workforce.

People are likely to take on roles in manufacturing that require more communication and collaboration skills. To make this possible, platforms for continuous workforce training will play an important role during 2023.

Doing business in a greener way

Climate change has become an urgent priority for manufacturing companies. Manufacturing accounts for around a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, and there has never been greater pressure on companies to rethink their operating model and switch to low-carbon production systems.

Governments are making great strides towards sustainability, investing billions of euros to combat climate change. As a result, companies in the manufacturing industry must also transform their end-to-end processes, from development and logistics to the question of how factories actually operate.

Thoughtful HR strategies to attract and retain employees

Automation and the use of robots are creating new roles in production, so manufacturing companies need to attract and retain new workers to close the skills gap and keep pace with demand. In 2023, HR departments will need to rethink their approach to the entire employee lifecycle.

Developing a career plan together is a great way to show employees that the company cares about their future.

The continuous learning workforce

Continuous learning is one of the key factors in employee retention, especially for younger workers. However, executives and employees view continuing education dramatically differently.

One way to make continuous learning sustainable for the workforce is through training programs.

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