Green industry: How to make factories green?

Green Industry Concept The Green Industry is a concept that seeks to reduce the climatic and ecological impact of companies’ activities. Human development impacts the environment by using natural resources and modifying the Earth’s ecosystem, but is it possible to reduce this impact? Green industry and renewable energies Renewable energies are shown as a solution […]

How should the Mexican industry react to Covid-19?

How does COVID-19 affect industrial production in Mexico? The global changes in industrial production brought by the COVID-19 pandemic have serious operational, social and financial implications. This is forcing companies to simultaneously adapt their response and risk management plans, personnel safety practices, manufacturing operations and new ways of working. Until now, industry leaders have focused […]

What is Outsourcing? Types and forms of outsourcing

Recently, Outsourcing specialists have become much more appreciated, so many companies attract employees from external sources. Personnel outsourcing service is top-rated nowadays; not everyone knows what it is and how outsourcers work. This service comes to the rescue when you need to save the company’s budget and effectively organize your work. What is “Outsourcing”? The […]

Smart Factory: Intelligent Manufacturing

The concepts of “Smart Factory”, “Smart Manufacturing” and “Factory of the Feature” have appeared recently although they do not yet have strictly defined meanings; they are now used interchangeably, although the concept of “Factory of the Future” is more comprehensive and includes not only “Smart Factories” but also virtual and digital enterprises. Definition of Smart […]

Investment Opportunities in Mexico

Investing in Mexico has become one of the best options to boost the finances of the investing population, especially because Mexico has established itself as one of the countries where domestic and foreign investment is a great opportunity due to its constant economic growth. Investment opportunities in Mexico: Key economic sectors: Automotive parts, machinery and […]

Robots in the Automotive Industry

Robotics has become a key player in the automotive industry, a statement that can be made thanks to the advances that robotization in the industrial sector has generated over the years. It is expected that during 2021 there will be approximately 381 million industrial robots around the world. Mexico is not far behind, as it […]

Supply Chain

What is a supply chain? A supply chain is a set of strategic activities or processes that enable an organization to deliver a product or service to the customer or end-user effectively. Supply chain management provides a set of tools, from the production process to the point at which the product is sold. An effective […]

International Treaties in Mexico 2021

Commercial benefits of the International Treaties in Mexico An international treaty may be defined as a written agreement between subjects of international rights and destined to produce legal effects. A treaty declares an agreement of intent that creates a commitment and should be complied with by the Rule-of-Law parties (or other subjects to international law), […]

The Metal Mechanic Industry

The metal mechanic industry is dynamically in charge of providing tailor-made machinery, consumption goods and metal tools to the other links of the productive chain. In other words, metal mechanic is the sector that comprises industrial machinery and provides tools to other metal industries. This sector is closely related to the automobile, mechanic, industrial, and […]

Minimum wage in Mexico

Minimum wages are interventions of the labor market that governments use as political macroeconomy instruments or as social tools. In other words, they represent the lowest wage level established with a fixed system of minimum gross wage that workers receive in virtue of a labor contract. In 2021, Mexico has had significant changes in the […]